What are the spaces and places you love to go to, when you need to think better, feel refreshed? I'm guessing we all have favourite alternatives to sitting at our desks (however gorgeous the environment) and I wonder what yours might be.
My places mostly involve cliffs and coastlines – big, open, high places where my sense of size and place in the world is kept in healthy check, and life is flowing impressively without my help. Places where I can find some clear air, and distill priorities. Know what I mean? I suspect you do.
As an urban dweller though, I have to find other ways to get out and about, which is where our allotment among the animals at Windmill Hill City Farm comes in. So much of our working life centres on the inertia of screens, but as time goes on I find it's impossible to keep it up effectively without a close-up dose of nature in the mix. The Plot, the farm, is where I get mine day to day, and you know what? I felt its high time to share some of that.
If you're with me in wanting to balance our desk-bound, digital days with being more immersed in the natural order of things, then you might enjoy a podcast series I'm recording from the plot. Someone sowed the seed (sorry!) earlier this year about making a podcast, and it was one of those ideas that wouldn't leave me alone, so here it is. An experiment for now – I'm using no fancy equipment to record it, the editing's shonky, and sound levels all over the place. But I hope you will find space, peace, food for thought and wisdom for our brave work journeys. And some sweet (noisy) animals too. Look out for new episodes every Monday night, each no more than 10 minutes long.
I try to get down to the farm as much as possible – easy, really, 10 minutes walk from home, and on my way in to the studio. It's a beautiful hit of clear air and smelly creatures, both food and people growing. "A place where people grow" is the farm's motto. Sniff.
Anything that helps us work better with our ideas.
Consider this me spreading the muck and the love.
Find it by searching for 'The Plot Lizzie Everard' or subscribe to the feed directly in iTunes, on Soundcloud.